How to become a TRUE Leader

Use our unique system to determine your effectiveness as a leader



Become a TRUE Leader

The main method to stimulate this incorporation is a 3-day workshop, entitled ‘Become a TRUE Leader’ (BTL) – in which participants are shown a simple, actionable model of ‘how to lead’ and guided through understanding of and then implementation of this concept. Using a building series of practicals, people can learn the ‘how to’ for leadership and will receive specific, individual feedback on their progress as well as an action plan for the future.

This building of leadership within teams is then supported by both cultural leadership assessment (survey) as well as recommendations as to how to make leadership a criteria for recruitment, promotion and reward.

Group of True Leaders outside



So, what is the workshop?

A typical workshop programme, whether it be face to face or virtual looks like this:

Pre Workshop – Completion of the Healthcheck™️ analysis tool

Day 1 – An introduction to Leadership and why leadership matters. A look at the TRUE leader model, covering TRUE and PASSIVE leadership concepts. Decision making in uncertainty (Black and White exercise) and “World Leaders” Project. Tour of submarine and evening ‘Mess Dinner’ (if at Chatham)

Day 2 – Insights from Day 1 and introduction to FALSE leadership behaviours. In depth leadership exercise and leadership models for projects and decision-making. Briefing and preparation for the The Island exercise.

Day 3 – The Island exercise enacted and wash up. Introduction to Transactional Analysis and other Leadership models. Board level leadership and other applications of leadership for course participants.

Post Workshop – Individual work to create TRUE Leader Development Plan (TDLP) with feedback on both Healthcheck™️ and workshop ‘performance’.

submarine at Chatham historic dockyard




This is a comprehensive analysis tool based on feedback from peers, subordinates and leaders regarding their perception of the efficacy of a leader in question, on the basis of the TRUE model as shown by their actions. This forms part of the pre-workshop analysis and is validated on the workshop. Healthcheck can be repeated by participants at regular intervals, if required, to assess progress against the TRUE Leader Development Plan.

stethoscope and laptop

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