Home or Away




Our preferred venue is the Historic Dockyard at Chatham. Here we can be surrounded by 400 years of naval history. Apart from a visit to HMS Ocelot, Sir Trevor’s first command, we can hold the workshop in the amazing Commissioner’s House (built in 1704) and use the garden where appropriate for activities. We will hold a recreation of an iconic part of Royal Naval life, the Mess Dinner, with its long traditions.

The workshop doesn’t represent a ‘Military view’ of leadership, it just helps to have the context of history to show the environment in which TRUE leadership is formed. Translating this to other contexts is the key to helping participants find their own, unique leadership path given the fast-track of the experience of others.

Chatham Historic Dockyard



Alternative Options

If travel to Chatham and the commitment of a 3-day intervention is unfeasible, we are able to facilitate the experience with people in a number of different ways.

Firstly we could use ‘your’ venue – whether a hotel or office which is equipped with the requisite facilities (the submarine is optional!).

Secondly – whether for logistical constraints or Covid policy, we can run the workshop remotely using Zoom technology. Ideally this would be over a continuous period of 2/3 days, however it is also possible to modularise the workshop over a number of weeks. We have experienced this approach and the feedback has been every bit as high as the ‘in-room’ alternative.

remote video call graphic



How to find us

The Historic Dockyard Chatham

The Historic Dockyard Chatham

map and marker icon

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