Our Vision

'A better future with TRUE leaders'





Why does leadership matter?

According to a number of recent surveys, 85% of people don’t ENJOY their work. Other surveys report that 72% of employees cite their relationship with their boss as the main reason for changing jobs. So often people see waste, ‘politics’, aggressive people, delayed decisions, bias, lack of empowerment, threats, manipulation and greed going on every day. People are scared for their jobs, feel the need to ‘overwork’ to prove themselves and are stressed and disconnected.

This is not inevitable. With effective leadership, woven as a thread through the fabric of the organisation, this can be changed and people will look back and wonder how they ever worked in such a poorly led environment. Changing this ‘script’ is our passion and drive towards ‘A better future with TRUE leaders’.

We’re also not just talking about the ‘top management’, we’re saying that individual self-leadership practised by everyone taking personal responsibility for their own ‘arena’ creates the vortex to brilliance.

white and blue thread

the leadership thread…

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